Non Sucking YAML parser

David Wright dave-lpm` at
Thu Sep 14 18:12:01 BST 2006

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Robin Berjon wrote:

> On Sep 14, 2006, at 17:27, David Wright wrote:
>>> From my point of view it's very easy to have xsl:templates such as:
>> <xsl:template match="//*[starts-with(name(), 'fooble:')]"/>
>> That strips everything from a given namespace in one swoop. (I'm sure I 
>> came up with a cleaner way than that in XSL, but you see the economy.)
> Ick! What happens when the same namespace is bound to a different prefix? I 
> sure hope you found a cleaner way :) One such way would be:

Ah, one of $evil_software_giant's bugs in this case is that they require 
namespaces to be bound to a predefined list of prefixes. One of many 
reasons why I want to slap them.

> <xsl:template match="//*[namespace-uri() = 'http://ns.for.fooble']"/>
> or even better, assuming you've declared the fooble prefix in your 
> stylesheet:
> <xsl:template match="//fooble:*"/>

fooble is defined, yep, and I do indeed have XSLT similar to that.

One thing I struggled with - again a non-conformant requirement - 
was coming up with an XSLT stylesheet that forced all the namespace 
declarations onto the root element. It's voodoo, and it possibly only 
works with libxslt.


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