Business Banking

Bruce bruce at
Mon Oct 23 13:44:15 BST 2006

I use Cater Allen Private Bank. You need a grand (ISTR) to open it, and if 
you've got over 5G in there they even pay interest. When I opened my 
account they paid interest on any amount, but it changed when Abbey took 
it over.
As far as I remember there's no charges up to a certain number of cheques 
a month.
And the call-centre is in the UK and is very efficient.
Sorry I can't be more specific.
Maybe worth looking into though.


On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Russ Hogge wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am looking for advice about business bank accounts as the Bank of
> Scotland have decided that I should pay them 15 quid a month for the
> privilege of holding a business current account.
> [This also acts as a warning, as the letter that told me this was very
> glossy, and almost made it into junk mail, without be realising]
> So are there any cheap (if not free) business banks out there?
> Russ
> ----
> It's all in the reflexes!  -- Big Trouble In Little China

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