What shame? [Was: What a shame...]

MHP Ltd mansionhouseprojects at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 24 13:42:56 BST 2006

This sounds like the perfect thread to pimp the
http://bbc.co.uk/mediabank/ application which provides
'your-login-name-branded' URLs to BBC online content
(images/wmp/real/editorial copy) allowing them to GO-track traffic.

Only recently launched & already subject to a ton of feedback/change requests -
we'd appreciate any thots & comments!

On 24/10/06, Peter Corlett <abuse at cabal.org.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 11:02:27PM +0100, Chris Benson wrote:
> [...]
> > Got them, and a dodgy disk of barely audible episodes from the '70s,
> > topped up with the Radio7 repeats, but will I complete the set before R7
> > starts using WMP?
> It doesn't really matter if you get them from the DAB or DVB-T instead.
> Although there's probably not much in it between the insultingly-low DAB
> bitrate for BBC7 and the Real stream. (They've dropped the bitrate for Radio
> 3 on DAB as well, I see, probably to squeeze in another minority-interst
> station with no listeners.)

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