What shame? [Was: What a shame...]

Sue Spence virtualsue at pennine.com
Tue Oct 24 15:13:10 BST 2006

Toby Corkindale wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 01:18:13PM +0100, Peter Corlett wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 12:15:25PM +0000, the hatter wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Opera FTW ! Not that I've got around to installing on my new phone yet - I
>>> ran it on my psion and I run it as main browser on my desktop for
>>> linux/windows/solaris/os x though, so I'm rather happy to see it as the
>>> only browser on some important growing platforms (mobile and consoles)
>> One day, you'll have a phone powerful enough to run Firefox...
>> (And it'll have a battery life of about ten minutes.)
> You could have a phone that'll run it now! (Or last year, when I got mine)
> See http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minimo/
> Runs on my phone fine.. It's quite cute having tabbed browsing and some working
> javascript. It has small-screen rendering, but I don't think it does such a
> good job as Opera or Netfront though. However, it is free, and does a much
> better job than Pocket IE.

I've wanted to try this, but I won't get off PalmOS until some time next 
year. Then again, I haven't tried Opera Mini yet, partly due to laziness 
and partly because I almost do not want another browser which is 
fantastically better than my target browser (an exceptionally limited, 
proprietary, short-term POS).

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