Test card (was Re: What shame? [Was: What a shame...]

Simon Cozens simon at simon-cozens.org
Thu Oct 26 22:16:54 BST 2006

John Costello:
> A version of the test card appears in the BBC series, "Life on Mars," and 
> the little girl occasionally comes to live to scare the hell out of the 
> main character 

Similarly in the video to Madness' "Waiting for the Ghost Train".

Dear me, I *am* a fount of 80s pop knowledge....

I've seen things you people can't imagine. Chimneysweeps on fire over the
roofs of London. I've watched kite-strings glitter in the sun at Hyde Park
Gate. All these things will be lost in time, like chalk-paintings in the
rain. Time for your nap. - Bladestroller

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