Snap quiz: desk stuff

Dirk Koopman djk at
Thu Nov 23 13:14:29 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-11-23 at 13:01 +0000, Andy Armstrong wrote:
> On 23 Nov 2006, at 11:56, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> >> I got a mail the other night from someone who's still using an Acorn
> >> A3000 with the SCSI board I designed for it sometime in the early
> >> nineties. I claimed to be delighted but actually I was just wondering
> >> why. My fingers wanted to type 'get a proper computer, fool'.
> >
> > If it still works and still does the job, and the job hasn't  
> > changed, why
> > spend money and consume time changing?
> The guy was trying to browse the web using a browser that hasn't been  
> updated for ~8 years on a computer with 4Mb of RAM. Brave or foolish:  
> you decide :)

Be fair: there aren't a huge number of A3000 exploits out there...

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