parsing email

Chisel Wright chisel at
Thu Nov 23 22:18:03 GMT 2006

On Thu, Nov 23, 2006 at 06:50:48PM +0000, Simon Cozens wrote:
> Sam Smith:
> > Given people here wrote half the Mail:: modules, is there a
> > nice overview module which exists which parses common random
> > varieties of mail.
> What's the big picture? What are you trying to do? If it's what it sounds
> like, you might want Email::Store. If not, it's bits and pieces time, I'm
> afraid: Email::Folder, Email::MIME, and Text::Original would be good places to
> start.

Is Mail::Miner something worth considering?

I'm soon going to have to embark on something similar to this (the
initial post in this thread reminded me I needed to go searching for
"Whatever it was Simon demo'd in a tech-talk many moons ago").

I've not had a chance to investigate Email::Store or Mail::Miner
properly (yet).  That's on my near-future TODO list.

Do they cover roughly the same problem space?

Chisel Wright
e: chisel at

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