PHP sucks dick through a straw

chromatic chromatic at
Fri Jan 12 18:56:15 GMT 2007

On Friday 12 January 2007 03:39, Adriano Ferreira wrote:

> As a matter of fact, you have the ugly
>             $object->can('attribute')
> and
>             $object->can('method')
> where there is no difference between attributes and methods (because
> you really didn't need to know it for sure -- it is a matter of
> implementation).
> And that does not work all the time because the method can be
> implement by AUTOLOAD.

Did you mean to say "And that does not work all the time because lazy people 
write buggy code when they pull out the big stick of AUTOLOAD()"?  There's no 
*technical* reason that can() and AUTOLOAD() are incompatible.

-- c

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