Converting Getopt::Long into POD

Nik Clayton nik at
Mon Jan 29 11:27:26 GMT 2007

Andrew Black wrote:
> Hi
> Does anyone know of a way of converting Getopt::Long parameters into 
> half way decent POD.
> I am thinking along the lines of taking
>  "wiggle=s"  # filename of wiggle
> and producing
>  -wiggle=filename     filename of wiggle
> I almost started writing my own but then thought someome MUST have done 
> it before.
> I dont mind having to cut an paste into the POD section of my PM, but 
> trying to keep a POD and option in sync is a pain.
> I realise there are going to be various other Getopt::xxx methods, but 
> follwing Aaron's talk at YAPC I am sticking with Getopt::Long, unless a 
> very convincing argument persuades me otherwise. 

You could go the other way -- Getopt::Euclid parses your POD to work out 
what the valid command line arguments are.


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