oh no, not a perl question.

Jonathan Stowe jns at gellyfish.com
Thu Aug 30 14:13:13 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 13:30 +0100, Nic Gibson wrote:
> Afternoon
> I've got one of those perl questions...
> I'm putting together a bunch of scripts that do 'stuff'. This stuff
> involves running
> other scripts and  executables. I need to capture three things from
> the externals
> that I'm running - standard input, standard output and exit status.
> I don't seem to be able to find a sane way to get all three.
> open3 doesn't give me a sensible way to get the child's exit status as
> far as I can tell. 

If you waitpid() on the PID returned by IPC::Open3 then $? will have the
status of the process.

Your religion sucks

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