Dave Hodgkinson davehodg at
Fri Sep 14 17:12:51 BST 2007

On 14 Sep 2007, at 11:04, Andy Wardley wrote:

> McGlinchy, Alistair wrote:
>> I re-"erm" your "erm". What was wrong with Dave's comment?
> I un-"re" your re-"erm".
> There is an argument which goes: if the patient wants to be cured,  
> and the placebo effect has a good chance of helping with that  
> recovery process, then what *is* wrong with the doctor giving the  
> patient a sugar pill and telling them "This'll cure you by this  
> afternoon"?

Placebo works even when the recipient knows it's a placebo. If the  
doctor tells the
patient exactly what it is, I see no problem.

Dave Hodgkinson
Back in the Market Risk swamp

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