FastCGi on IIS... The tale of Microsoft and my new Perl Module...

Andy Armstrong n at
Sun Oct 21 21:49:32 BST 2007

On 21 Oct 2007, at 19:38, Matt S Trout wrote:
>> I didn't know this. What's recommended?
> "Anything but Module::Build".
> General rule of thumb is "EUMM for simple stuff, Module::Install  
> when you need
> extra clever".

Having had a quick scan of the docs I feel a bit of a chump for not  
having noticed M::I much before.

Maybe I'm just rubbish at finding interesting, useful stuff but it  
never ceases to amaze me that we can have so much good code hidden in  
plain view. Ironically that's pretty much the lament of 

> Just Say No.

Arse. I'd only just started saying yes :)

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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