OT: It's arrived!

Lyle - CosmicPerl.com perl at cosmicperl.com
Tue Nov 6 01:48:58 GMT 2007

chromatic wrote:
> On Monday 05 November 2007 12:06:07 Lyle - CosmicPerl.com wrote:
>> Though a comment like "Unless,
>> that is, you're too cheap to make such a small investment in the sort of
>> quality of service that you claim to offer your clients." Puts me off it
>> a bit out of principle.
> You explained you don't have much experience doing this as you asked other 
> people who have lots of experience doing this for advice.  When they gave you 
> their best, hardest-won advice, you said that you didn't like it and would go 
> on doing what you wanted to do anyway.

? Don't get me wrong. I've been taking everything on board, and looking 
into almost everything mentioned. All comments apart form the obvious 
"pay someone to do it" are being researched. Please don't be under the 
impression that I am ignoring suggestions and knowledge put forward. 
 From my first posts I've purchased all the books, have focused greatly 
on using FastCGI to improve speed and have gone further and been helping 
the FastCGI developers revamp the site.
  Your comments when I asked you about Perl 6 development have been 
thoroughly taken on board, I've since learnt subversion and SVK, and 
started using them for all of my software projects. I've also been 
writing a step by step guide on learning and using these, along with 
other things, currently titled "Perl 6 - The road to helping with 
development". Documenting my path to becoming useful to Perl 6 (when I 
finally get there) with the aim that hopefully it'll serve as a good 
guide to others.
  I've been looking at load balancing following the suggestions, and now 
understand how these work better getting rid of my preconception of what 
they did which was incorrect. I'll be looking into this remote serial 
port access, once I understand that I'll most likely be working with my 
data centre to get them to provide it, as if they did already I'm sure 
they would have mentioned it.
  I'm certainly not going to employ as sysadmin at this stage for my 2 
servers and a small handful of hosting clients. There is simply no way 
that it's financial viable, if there is a rumour going round that I'm 
rich then it's not true (yet). The hosting service has not yet been 
officially launched and I've done well so far to learn Linux and manage 
the servers. Likewise I'll not employ a sysadmin until I understand most 
of these things and how they work together, otherwise I'll not be in a 
good position to make a good selection.

  *Honestly* I thought that groups like these were for people to talk 
about things and share knowledge. I didn't realise I was going to get 
gunned down every time I asked a question and wasn't prepared to get out 
my wallet for an answer. The idea of open source and free information 
seems to have gone a rye somewhere.


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