music to code to

Nic Gibson nicg at
Mon Nov 12 16:00:30 GMT 2007

On 11/12/07, Edmund von der Burg <evdb at> wrote:
> I like boppy non-lyrical stuff (Cal Tjader), joel likes weird techno
> (Coil), hanekomu likes minimalist electronica from japan (Rei
> Harakami, Ryoji Ikeda, Aoki Takamasa).
> What works for you lot?

I think Mr Armstrong has the right method:

Apparently, I mostly listen to mellow electronica with a  large dash
of foetus and industrial stuff. Having said that, that's a shared user
with my wife so it's a bit muddled.

If anyone is interested Mr Foetus (Jim Thirlwell) is over here doing
his Manorexia string quartet thing later this month.

Nic Gibson
Director, Corbas Consulting
Editorial and Technical Consultancy

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