
Matt S Trout dbix-class at
Fri Dec 21 18:45:58 GMT 2007

On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 11:53:24PM +0000, Andrew Betts wrote:
> > Have you tried getting in touch with the cometd project which was originally
> > founded by a JS person and a perl person[0] and seeing about working with them?
> I'm not a great fan of cometd, mainly because you're essentially
> locked into Dojo unless you implement the Bayeux protocol yourself in
> javascript, which I felt was harder than necessary.

I keep hearing that.

I don't understand how "you can't talk to a comet-type server using javascript
without writing or using some javascript that talks to it" is either surprising
or a disadvantage.

>  I just want a
> tool that does a job well, without any dependencies or superfluous
> functionality.  The parts of comet that are hard are pushing data to
> the browser, and scaling.  Everything else is out of scope, in my
> view, which means Bayeux is over the top in 90% of cases.

It should be possible to implement a minimal subset that's equivalent to
any other tool that does the same job.

If it isn't, the answer is to post to the cometd list asking for the standard
to be altered to allow it.

> There are actually quite a number of comet server implementations
> these days.  If I were to hang up my Meteor hat

I wasn't suggesting you did that. I was suggesting you collaborated. I hear
collaborating is popular among these weirdos called 'open source people'
these days.

And if bayeux isn't suitable, it should be made to be suitable. No point
having a standard if people don't find it fit for purpose - and no reason
meteor shouldn't support whatever it supports now -and- a bayeux subset.
Interoperability is good, m'kay :)

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
   Technical Director          
 Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  Want a managed development or deployment platform?  

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