a question

Simon Wilcox essuu at ourshack.com
Fri Mar 14 14:40:37 GMT 2008

perl wrote:
> My local council currently uses postfix to run their email system. 
> Apparently it is very slow (a minute or two to download each email for 
> anyone connected) and it doesn't 'do' meetings.

As GLLUG said, it'll be postfix + something else to do the pop/imap.

> Because of this they want to replace it with MS Exchange Server at a 
> cost of £248,000 (over 5 years). Even at this cost they have calculated 
> this will save them £48,000 a year.
> Any thoughts?

How many users ?

Seems quite reasonable to me for a large system.

If they're already an MS shop it'll be fine for them and as others have 
said the calendaring and workgroup features are actually pretty good.

If mail is that slow now then they clearly don't have the inhouse 
resources to support a FLOSS system properly. You're unlikely to 
persuade them to acquire the resources if they haven't already done so.


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