Better Perl

Dave Cross dave at
Fri Apr 4 13:44:06 BST 2008

Quoting Aaron Trevena <aaron.trevena at>:

> On 04/04/2008, Iain Barnett <iainspeed at> wrote:
>> On 4 Apr 2008, at 11:23 am, Aaron Trevena wrote:
>> > ... Guardian...
>>  The Guardian website has been mostly transferred over to Java, as far as
>> I'm aware. They were advertising heavily for Java web developers last year
>> or two, and the site had a big upgrade.
> You mean their CMS has moved from StorySewer (TCL) to Java?
> Sensible enough.
> They were advertising for Perl developers too, presumably they managed
> to fill the roles, maybe Java roles are almost as hard to fill as perl
> ones.

The Guardian blogs are based on Movable Type. That's what their most  
recent Perl adverts were for (as some people on this list will be able  
to confirm).


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