Web search engine required

Nic Gibson nicg at noslogan.org
Wed May 21 15:06:37 BST 2008

2008/5/21 Martin A. Brooks <martin at antibodymx.net>:

> David Cantrell wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a decent webby search thing I can use on my own
>> site?  Results must be easily templateable (ideally in TT), must spider
>> the site over HTTP and not just by grovelling over files on the disk,
>> and must provide some easy way of marking parts of pages where the text
>> is not to be indexed. I would prefer something written in C or perl that
>> that doesn't use an RDBMS, on the grounds that that would save me the
>> hassle of installing more hateful software.
> I've enjoyed using SWISH, which seems to fit most of your criteria. YMM, of
> course, V.

Seconded - I've used it for exactly that purpose.
The core engine is written in C (or possibly C++).
There's a nice perl interface for the search engine too (not on CPAN iirc).
The only gotcha might be that it's resolutely ascii


> --
> Martin A. Brooks |  http://www.antibodymx.net/ | Anti-spam & anti-virus
>   Consultant    |  martin at antibodymx.net      | filtering. Inoculate
>  antibodymx.net  |  m: +447792493388           | your mail system.

Nic Gibson
Director, Corbas Consulting
Editorial and Technical Consultancy

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