Ye Compleat History of Ye Perle Mongers of Olde London Towne (Pt 1)

Dave Cross dave at
Tue Jul 22 12:44:37 BST 2008

Robert Shiels wrote:
> Dave Cross wrote:
>> * Details of the timeline for "project penderel"  - our first server
>>   - what was the spen
>>   - how much did it cost
>>   - who bought it
> That would be me. Any paper records I have of this are at home, how
> quickly do you need me to dig them out? 

If you can find some details easily over the weekend then that would be
great. But please don't go out of your way. It'll only be a slide or two
and I can almost certainly get all I need from mail archives.

>                                         If someone has an archive of the
> mailing list from this time a lot of the details will be in there.
> Timeline early 2000.

Bizarrely my archives start from May 2000. I wonder what happened to the
previous two years.

> I bought the components in a shop in Slough that doesn't exist any more.
> DJ and I assembled it, and it languished in my house for a bit until a
> big truck came and got it (DrHyde driving, Greg shotgun) IIRC.

Excellent. Thanks for the info.

> ps - I bought the camel too,

You bought the camel for the second year (out of some redundancy money
IIRC). I paid for the first year. We had a collection too - but it never
covered the whole cost.


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