Ye Compleat History of Ye Perle Mongers of Olde London Towne (Pt 1)

Simon Wistow simon at
Mon Jul 28 16:21:39 BST 2008

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 02:51:41PM +0100, Paul Mison said:
> Me neither. I do remember connecting it to the internet at State 51,
> over the extra-long Golden Jubilee weekend in early June 2002, so that
> would put the "languishing" phase at about two years. Maybe a year and
> a half.

That seems unlikely since I sent it State51 when I was working at 
Digital Mobility and that all came to a spectacular end in October 2001.

I have a message from the State51 crew asking me for the BIOS password 
from Friday Nov 17th, 2000 so that they could reinstall it so that would 
make the languishing time closer to 7 months which fits in more with my 

I didn't come back from my jaunt round the world until around about that 
time (October?) and I hav e vague recollections of being pressganged 
into couriering service at my first meeting back. In fact that might 
explain the arrangements - I was expecting to have some Copious Free 
Time to ferry components round in exchange for food but then went and 
buggered it all up by inconveniently getting a job.

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