London Perl Workshop

Mark Keating mdk at
Mon Nov 24 14:44:03 GMT 2008

Hello to the many Mongers of Perl and their associates :0

The London Perl Workshop is now less than 6 days away and as the tension 
mounts, and my fingernails get short, I thought I'd write to you all 
with some last details.

We will be attempting to record the talks this year so that they may be 
suitably displayed on the internets for all those unable to come. We 
have -just- about enough cameras but if anyone wants to share some of 
the load please let me know asap and we can add you in (cameras, 
volunteer camera operators). Also if you have a tripod for a camera (but 
not a video recorder) we may need your help (if you happen to have radio 
mikes, vcr and a production board that'd be lovely :) ). Let me know 

I will be putting a page on the Wiki for you to add links:
Please fill this with links to your slides/presentations that you want 
people to look at before and after the conference, fill in your own name 
and details of presentation - try to do this in alphabetical order of 
last name please.

Could you all make sure that if you are going to attend you sign up to 
the event on the website by 12.00 Wednesday. I will be generating a list 
from this and will need it as:
a. Part of the Fire regulations
b. If I make childish kindergarden stickers with balloons and your names 
on them :)

There (should/will/has)+(be/been) a stand from O'Reilly at the 
conference where we have been promised a 35% discount, so come prepared 
to go away with a plethora of dead tree trinkets.
There will also be a stand representing ActionAid (who will also be 
giving a lightning talk). Investor Dynamics are graciously sponsoring a 
raffle, and for those of you who have not seen the news page there are 
some great prizes (Canon 1000D/Acer Aspire Netbook/Ipod Nano 16gb/10 
fantastic SC T-shirts), you'll be able to buy tickets throughout the day 
and the raffle will be held in the evening. IDL will also match the 
first £600 we raise on the day.

As last year Venda are leading the way towards sponsoring an 
after-the-event drink by placing a sum of money behind the bar. If you 
work for a company who would also like to do the same and add to the 
'pot', then let me know and I will arrange details.

Looking forward to seeing you all there and now back to the minutae of 
my existence.


Mark Keating BA (Hons)              |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
Managing Director                   |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director/Secretary                  |  Enlightened Perl Organisation          |  | 'Sufficiently Advanced Technology'

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