Pub for tomorrow?

Martin A. Brooks martin at
Fri Nov 28 23:46:55 GMT 2008

James Laver wrote:
> I don't believe I've ever seen you drink beer, Martin.
> Beer is dark and foamy and good, not light, fizzy and 'superchilled'.
> Unless you think conditions outside count as 'summer', and looking out
> of a window in the City, I can't agree...

That's because I mostly don't drink beer.  If I wanted to toss sour, 
astringic liquid down my throat, I'd do it properly and suck on a 
lemon.  There's a few exceptions, like double chocolate stout, and 
banana bread beer, and waggle dance, but mostly it just tastes like what 
you get if you pour warm water and a dash of fairy liquid into a 
recently used and, not yet washed, roasting tin, then swill it around, 
sieve, pour and serve.

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