a friday question... a saturday answer

James Laver james.laver at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 16:32:31 BST 2009

On 4 Apr 2009, at 11:51, Andrew Beattie wrote:

>> A: It depends which way the tortoise is facing.
> Indeed.
> This is, in fact a cultural question.
> Commonly, in the West, view ourselves as facing in the direction of  
> the
> future, with the past to our back.  Time may be viewed as a journey,  
> where
> we look ahead to see where we might be going and recall the past.
> Other cultures view time differently.  Some go through time looking
> towards the past, where the point of view is no concentrated on the
> unknown future, but rather the vast and ever-increasing experience and
> history of our past and our ancestors [citation needed].  Others  
> view the
> direction of travel as vertical as we fall downwards, unstoppably  
> through
> time...[citation needed].
> Andrew

And theory B philosophers say that all times exist concurrently.


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