Java wonks?

Ben Evans ben at
Thu Jul 2 08:17:09 BST 2009

Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 12:33:26AM +0100, Ben Evans wrote:
>> If you're prepared to deal with recruitment agents, then you talk to me, 
>                                                    ^
>> and I provide you with a list of agents who can:
>> a) Follow simple instructions, eg: "Do not call me between these times", 
>> "Do not send me roles in the West Midlands for 1/3 my current 
>> take-home", etc.
>> b) Actually match candidates that might be of some use to the spec they 
>> gave you
>> c) Not try and sell you a pup just to make a buck
>> d) Actually behave like real human beings with whom technical people 
>> might want to hang out / drink with once in a while[0]
> Gosh. There's more than one that meets those criteria? I only know of one.
> (There used to be a second, but I don't know what happened to him)

Yes. I didn't say it was a long list, and one of them that I know has 
just left recruitment to go off to University to do a CS degree, but > 1.

Of course, it's fairly well-known that my minimum requirements for who 
I'll drink with are really quite liberal.


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