Sending $US to the US

Sue Spence sue at
Tue Oct 6 15:25:48 BST 2009

2009/10/6 Roger Burton West <roger at>

> On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 06:45:19AM -0700, Ovid wrote:
> >Anyone happen to know a less expensive way to send, via mail, US
> >dollars to the US, short of sending cash?
> Get a US$-denominated bank account, with a cheque book. I believe
> Citibank do them.

For a one-off deal like this, it's better to work with a friend with the
goods (US bank acount).  Failing that, it would realistically be easier to
say "I am going to get married, and it is going to cost a rather silly
amount of money to get TX to give me the paperwork I need."  Setting up a
bank account is a lot of fuss for one transaction.

I don't suppose the UK can accept your passport instead?  I have usually
found that the two are interchangeable, but I didn't get married here. :-)

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