Help me become a Londoner!

Richard Huxton dev at
Tue Nov 24 13:20:53 GMT 2009

Dermot wrote:
> 2009/11/24 Richard Huxton <dev at>:
>> Mike Woods wrote:
>>> If you do go the public transport route most places can be reached
>>> within an hour
>> Pretty much everywhere in London can be reached in about an hour. The
>> flip side of that is that pretty much everywhere in London takes about
>> an hour to reach.
> Normally I'd agree but apparently according to it will take
> me 24 minutes from w9 to w2 3RL - for Crispy Duck not Dim Sum  - by
> bus and 28mins to walk.

Ah, walking distance doesn't count as travel. Oh that's another point
for our original poster - you will walk lots in London. If it takes less
than 15 mins to walk somewhere, just do that (unless somewhere is
another tube station on the same line as you*). About 30 minutes is the
cross-over point where public transport can save you time.

Oh, and don't automatically assume a cab is quicker than either of the

(*) Bloody hackers are all pedants.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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