Fun Friday afternoon topic: domain name disputes

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at
Tue Feb 9 14:46:22 GMT 2010

On 5 February 2010 15:19, Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz at> wrote:
> If it would be a domain, she could probably go to a UK court.  Since this is a .com domain, I think any UK judge will quickly dismiss on the grounds that it is an American domain,
> so that she should go to court in the U.S. of A.  And *that* will prove to become very costly very quickly indeed.

no would be an american domain, .com is a global TLD, so it's anybodies.

OTOH, national businesses using an global TLD is hateful.


Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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