[ANNOUNCE] London Perl Mongers April social

Tony Kennick 0995a06aaeaf6b70e79c3aafd6719329 at half.pint.org.uk
Thu Mar 18 16:59:25 GMT 2010

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 01:19:36PM +0000,
the following was promulgated by Nicholas Clark:

> (Poor poor pub. It ran out of beer. Admittedly with a little help from our
> friends, specifically the local CAMRA meeting, and a goth sluts meeting)

Now that is a venn diagram that I would have been comfortable with.

        Tony Kennick
        Web: http://www.pint.org.uk/ Blog: http://blog.pint.org.uk/ 
	Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thegreatgonzo/

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