Running your own mini-cpan or other repos

Peter Edwards peter at
Thu Sep 2 14:00:19 BST 2010

On 2 September 2010 12:42, Ashley Hindmarsh <ash at> wrote:

> We've currently got some vague requirement for a 'snapshot' for CPAN (not
> the standard minicpan) to help us reproduce builds at a given time, getting
> the 'current' version of a module at the time it was originally built,
> probably in the short-term, rather than keeping a separate repository.
> This is for applications built using shipwright where we bind the app and
> supporting modules together with local::lib.
> I've previously used a similar model to Leo (archived module tarballs, but
> built without CPAN), with good results.
>  Ash

Can't you build your local::lib tree and then use cpan autobundle to
generate a file with a complete set of versions and install from that later
if you need to reproduce your bundle?

Regards, Peter

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