[ANNOUNCE] LPW2010: Newsletter #8: Thoughts for the Day

Mark Keating m.keating at shadowcat.co.uk
Wed Dec 1 12:04:21 GMT 2010

In this Newsletter:

1. The New Venue
2. Helping with setting up
3. Video Equipment
4. Laptop Loans
5. Talk timing

1. The New Venue
In case it has skipped your notice, or if you haven't yet been informed 
the venue for the conference on Saturday has been moved from the 
Universities Cavendish Campus to the Marylebone Campus:

University of Westminster
Marylebone Campus
35 Marylebone Road

If you could make sure that this information is spread as broadly as 
possible so that we have no lost speakers/attendees on Saturday I would 
be most grateful.

2. Helping with setting up
As last year a certain level of preparation is required for the 
conference, most of which is done on the morning of the event and as in 
every other year this is done entirely by volunteers. If you are able to 
be at either Cavendish Square from 8 a.m. or Marylebone from 8.20 a.m. 
to help with moving sponsorship items/setting up rooms and equipment 
then your help would be gratefully appreciated.

3. Video Equipment
This year Shadowcat Systems will be videoing all three of the rooms for 
the conference. If you sit near/in front of this video equipment could 
you please follow some common sense steps during the presentation:

a. try not to talk too loudly near/in front of the equipment;
b. refrain from touching the equipment unless asked to by the organisers;
c. do not wave large pieces of paper or sponsorship items in front of 
the lens;
d. don't perform mime during the presentation in front of the lens;
e. if you must do karaoke please do so during the breaks, where song and 
dance routines will also be appreciated.

If anyone has an extension they can bring on the day (I will need 3) to 
help with the placing of cameras then that would be great, please 
respond in this email.

4. Laptop Loans
Two of our presenters have requested a loan of a laptop for their talk 
on the day. Their requirements are:

1. Any laptop (el Penguin) with any OS to present on, he will make a pdf 
of his talk if necessary.
2. An Ubuntu install 10.4 if possible with Perl installed and some CPAN 
modules. This can be a virtual instance running under a different OS if 

If any speakers/attendees can help in this then your immediate response 
is required.

5. Talk timing

In each room there will be three numbered sheets (10 minutes, 5 minutes, 
1 minute) if you see these sheets and feel that you wish to help the 
speaker then could you please time the talk and use them at the 
appropriate point (last 10/5/1 minute). This will hopefully keep us on 
schedule. Remember that you are being videoed so don't wave them 
gleefully in the air. If no one volunteers could the speakers please 
volunteer someone from their captive audience for the task ;).

As always I would like to thank you all in advance for any/all the 
cooperation you give and look forward to seeing you all on the day.

Kind regards


-Mark (mdk)


The conference will be held on Saturday 4th December at the University 
of Westminster's Marylebone Campus. Please visit the website below for 
more information and don't forget to log in/register for the conference:

Conference Website: http://conferences.yapceurope.org/lpw2010/
Location: http://conferences.yapceurope.org/lpw2010/location.html
Registration Log in: http://conferences.yapceurope.org/lpw2010/main
New User Log in: http://conferences.yapceurope.org/lpw2010/register

For all information, queries, please contact m.keating(at)shadowcat.co.uk.

Mark Keating BA (Hons)          |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
Managing Director               |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director/Secretary              |  Enlightened Perl Organisation
co-Leader                       |  North West England Perl Mongers
http://www.shadowcat.co.uk      |  http://www.enlightenedperl.org
http://northwestengland.pm.org  |  http://linkedin.com/in/markkeating

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