Webcasting the tech meets?

Mark Keating m.keating at shadowcat.co.uk
Fri Mar 11 11:08:23 GMT 2011

On 11/03/2011 08:17, Leo Lapworth wrote:
> On 11 March 2011 00:55, Dave Hodgkinson<davehodg at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Is this a logistical nightmare? I've had a few people say they wished they
>> could have made tonight...
> If you wish to get the presenters written permission, and check if the
> venu is ok for each technical meeting, then actually video the talks
> and upload them I'm sure http://www.presentingperl.org/ would
> host them.
PresentingPerl would host them and would offer login details (for 
trusted individuals) to upload them without any need to ask permission 
afterwards. Process is very simple and I will be happy to explain it to 
anyone who is interested in uploading.
> But a live webcast would be asking too much of the venues.
> So great idea if you/several people have the time.
> Leo

Mark Keating BA (Hons)          |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
Managing Director               |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director/Secretary              |  Enlightened Perl Organisation
co-Leader                       |  North West England Perl Mongers
http://www.shadowcat.co.uk      |  http://www.enlightenedperl.org
http://northwestengland.pm.org  |  http://linkedin.com/in/markkeating

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