Wanted: Speakers for London.pm Technical Meeting

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Tue Oct 16 22:05:05 BST 2012

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 05:23:04PM +0100, Ben Evans wrote:

> I've been discussing a talk with Leon, tentatively entitled "Through
> The Looking Glass" - basically an account of what I found in the years
> I've been spending a lot of time with Java & JVM technology and
> communities.
> I could do either the technical or community aspects - both are IMO
> very interesting and provide, in many ways, very different
> perspectives (but also some surprising similarities).

Do you think that between you and Pedro you could do both? :-)

David Cantrell | Bourgeois reactionary pig

    Fashion label: n: a liferaft for personalities
    which lack intrinsic buoyancy

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