Perl School 4: Database Programming with Perl and DBIx::Class

Dave Cross dave at
Thu Feb 7 11:54:25 GMT 2013

Quoting Dave Cross <dave at>:

> Perl School 4 is this Saturday (9th Feb). It's an introduction to  
> DBIx::Class.
> It's a full-day course for £30 and it takes place at Google Campus in London.
> There are still a number of tickets available.
> Would you benefit from an introduction to DBIC? Or is there someone  
> you work with who would benefit from an introduction to DBIC?
> Sign up at

Google Campus ask for a list of attendees 24 hours before the event.  
Which means I need to close ticket sales at 10am tomorrow. So if  
you're considering whether or not to come along, you only have another  
22 hours :-)



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