Alternative sources of Perl programmers

Greg McCarroll greg at
Tue May 14 14:46:59 BST 2013

On 14 May 2013, at 14:34, Aaron Trevena wrote:

> On 14 May 2013 14:10, Dave Cross <dave at> wrote:
>> Quoting Aaron Trevena <aaron.trevena at>:
>>> or you could get a trainer onsite.
>> That sounds like a *fabulous* idea :-)
> <bbc>Other perl trainers are available</bbc> ;)

I don't think training is the answer always here, i think what you  
need is decent mentoring. And the funny thing is i think that could  
almost come better from outside the company.

I sort of suspect it might even be better served from outside the  
company so people get a different perspective than 'the one true way'.


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