"The Case for File Swapping"

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Thu Nov 17 14:42:17 GMT 2005

On Thu, 2005-11-17 at 14:24 +0000, Peter Hickman wrote:
> Also using fancy words like 'milliard' when you would have been 
> clearer saying 'billion' (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Milliard.html) 
> might make people think you were a kook. 

I think you will find that "milliard" is rather more widespread than
just "British, French and German usage".  You will find it used all over
Europe and in many other languages (eg Dutch)

Oh, hang on - this is london.pm and that is london as in Britain isn't
it? So what was your point, as illustrated by the URL above?


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