RPC::XML vs Frontier::RPC

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 09:45:57 GMT 2005

On 11/29/05, Randy Ray <rjray at blackperl.com> wrote:
> > Frontier seems to handle the typing of arguments automagically and I
> > was looking at writing a wrapper for RPC::XML that would make the
> > typing less tedious -- anyway I'm not sure how well Frontier will work
> > with a C/C++ server.
> RPC::XML also does auto-typing. You only need to explicitly type arguments when
> they are ambiguous, such as using "123" as a string instead of an integer, or
> when using booleans (since Perl doesn't distinguish them from ints).

Yes, I noticed that after posting. Handy, but as we're possibly using
C at either client or server end, typing will need to be explicit.

> > Also almost every perl example on the interweb is Frontier and the
> > documentation for both is a little sparse.
> Hurm. I like to think I've put a fair amount of effort into my docs, though I
> may be light on actual sample code.

Yes.. examples. Time consuming to write I know, but wonderfully
helpful for lazy developers like me :)

> The biggest difference between my package and Frontier, is that mine is still
> being maintained and enhanced. Granted, I don't release as often as I would
> like (the curse of having a day-job to pay bills), but I don't think Frontier
> has released in years.

This I also noticed after posting - rt.cpan has resolved bugs for
RPC::XML but frontier does not, as well as a release this year.

All seems good so far. I'm just subclassing it to use pre-serialised data.



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