Audio file editing software/skills

Jess Robinson castaway at
Wed Jun 14 23:14:24 BST 2006

On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Andy Wardley wrote:

> Jess Robinson wrote:
>>  I have a piece of self-recorded audio, (of a talk), that I'd like to
>>  remove some clicks/crackles from.. Has anyone got any software
>>  recommendations or appropriate advice?
> I'm assuming you're looking for something free/open or cheap?  Have a look 
> here.
> Denoising is a fairly specialised task.  Look for something that specifically 
> does it or has DSP filters available to do it.  Be prepared to spend some 
> time playing with the settings to find something that works well without 
> flurbling[*] the voice.
> Depending on what kind of clicks and crackles they are, you may also be able 
> to improve it by filtering through a graphic equaliser or parametric 
> equaliser.  Find the frequency of the clicks/crackle and notch them out. 
> It's a simpler approach, but the problem is that most crackles and clicks 
> appear between 1 and 4KHz which is where your voice range will be.  Kill too 
> much crackle and you lose the voice too.

Woo shiney, the Gnome Wave Cleaner is actually the biz, it automagically 
removes most of my problem bits anyway. Much recommended.

As for Audacity, still no clue how to get it to do such magic..


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