
Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at
Fri Jun 16 16:34:08 BST 2006

On 16/06/06, Dave Cross <dave at> wrote:
> This sounds slightly bizarre, but I'm pretty sure it's genuine.
> I've just had someone from Newsnight on the phone. They're doing a
> piece tonight about Bill Gates stepping back from Microsoft and they
> want someone from the Linux world to "slag off Microsoft a bit".
> I'd consider it myself, but it doesn't sound particularly positive and
> anyway I'm too busy. But if anyone's interested then drop me an email
> offlist with your phone number before he calls me back in half an hour.

Yes, it's a shame that they just want some vitriol rather than ever
having bothered to cover the anti-trust case and the many nasty things
microsoft have done.


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