Ras al Hanut Chicken

David Landgren david at landgren.net
Fri Sep 8 11:33:58 BST 2006

John Costello wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Sep 2006, Simon Wistow wrote:
>> I found myself cooking in an unfamiliar kitchen last night with a store 
>> cupboard not as well stocked as I'm used to. A quick run to WholeFoods 
>> (a strictly organic supermarket run, I believe, by the same people who 
>> do Fresh and Wild in the UK) and I managed to cobble together something.
> That is correct.
>> I got some very large skin-on, bone in chicken breasts and scored them 
>> fairly deeply a few times. Then I chucked them in a large bowl with 2 
>> generous table spoons of Ras al Hanut, some olive oil and 2 or 3 tsp of 
> Do you know what spices were in your Ras al Hanut?  I've looked around and 
> found that the combination of ingredients varies from 6 to up to 27 
> ingredients.

This is also correct. The term literally means "top of the shop" and 
describes the best spices that the owner at his disposition. 6 is pretty 
a low count of spices. 20 is more usual, and 35 is not out of the question.

Like miso soup, there are as many recipes/blends as are there are makers.

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