What a shame... [Wasn't:What shame?]

Pedro Figueiredo me at pedrofigueiredo.org
Tue Oct 24 21:47:23 BST 2006

On 24 Oct 2006, at 20:48, Paul wrote:

> Almost 100 units in my university is on Suse, hope that they would  
> do it again if it won't work.

gosh, that's almost every computer in the world! anyway, i'll gladly  
take on a contract to enable the viewing of windows media in those  
computers. of course, if you can't do it yourselves you prolly should  
just switch to windows.

> > furthermore, from a business point of view, windows media is the
> > cheapest to serve (quality/bandwidth),
> Is it?

yes, it is.

> I don't know much about it so hope you don't mind me asking,
> video.google and youtube is based the same technology?

no, and their quality doesn't come even close, as anyone but a blind  
person can verify. not to mention their own business decisions and  
the fact that i don't pay a google license or a youtube license.

bgp is for those who can't keep it static long enough

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