PHP - security etc

Dave Baker davebaker at
Thu Mar 8 21:00:30 GMT 2007

 > I wonder if we've forgotten about how people get started with a
 > language. In growing up we've somehow forgotten what it's like to see
 > things as a child.
 > -- Andy Armstrong,

Very interesting point; might have to do with the drop (I think) in 
newbies to Perl, and the maturing of the Perl community. Here's an 
excerpt from a June 29, 2006 article by Nat Torkington:

"The overwhelming sense I had was that Rails and Ruby are very 
fortunate. Their killer app zone is not the entry-level market that 
Perl's CGI and later PHP hit. This means that Rails and Ruby aren't the 
first programming language for people, and that a huge amount of Rails 
and Ruby code is not being written by people who've never written code 
before. A lot of the ill will that Perl and (to a lesser degree) PHP 
experience is because they absorbed a lot of newbies."

Dave Baker

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