test message

Tony Kennick 0995a06aaeaf6b70e79c3aafd6719329 at half.pint.org.uk
Fri Sep 28 11:55:32 BST 2007

On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 11:23:57AM +0100,
the following was promulgated by Peter Corlett:

> On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 06:50:49PM +0100, Kake L Pugh wrote:
> > On Thu 27 Sep 2007, Peter Corlett <abuse at cabal.org.uk> wrote:
> >> Is the Jerusalem Tavern *really* not listed in GBG2008?
> > Well spotted - I hadn't actually noticed that. In any case - no, it's not
> > in there.
> Let me guess, it's because they don't sell London Pride in there?
> CAMRA people are weird and prefer ticking boxes than having a few pints and
> deciding that they really like the pub they're in. I watched them deciding
> which pubs to put in the Guide based on a hurried-half pint as they tried
> every pub down the Fulham Road.

That might be the way that that particular branch picks their guide
pubs, but don't tar us all with the same brush. My branch has a full
vote of CAMRA members that have declared themselves associated with the
branch with regular full re-surveys of the whole branch area (usually
coinciding with the update of the brach guide).

If you aren't happy with the way your local branch decided on this sort
of thing, if you are a CAMRA member, get involved, suggest a new
procedure at the branch annual meeting.

There is also an established system for every member to put the question
to any branch "why isn't this pub, that I think is great, in your guide
entries" or "I went into this GBG listed pub and it was pants, what are
you playing at"

        Tony Kennick
        Web: http://www.pint.org.uk/
        Photos: http://picture-desk.press-office.org.uk/

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