easy introduction to perl

chromatic chromatic at wgz.org
Sat Oct 6 05:10:41 BST 2007

On Friday 05 October 2007 19:52:55 Lyle - CosmicPerl.com wrote:

> As it goes PHP having MySQL support by default has contributed a lot to it's
> usage. If someone would manage to convince P5P to include DBI and
> DBD::mysql in the core (I've failed) I'd buy them a drink.. hell.. I'd
> buy them ten!

Then you (for various values of that pronoun) would be here complaining that 
the versions of DBI and DBD::mysql in the core are several years out of date.

Why would you subject your customers to shared hosting that is either 
completely ignorant of or unwilling to follow standard Perl practices?  This 
does not give me confidence in their abilities in other areas.

-- c

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