Need to learn C, best books?

Nic Gibson nicg at
Fri Oct 26 13:30:09 BST 2007

On 10/26/07, Dirk Koopman <djk at> wrote:
> Mehmet Suzen wrote:
> > On 10/26/07, Jacqui caren <jacqui.caren at> wrote:
> >> Regarding C++ the firebird database project had quite a nice
> >> coding style document - worth reading.
> >
> > Regarding to coding style, GNU Coding Standards documents has
> > a nice section called  "Making The Best Use of C"
> >
> >
> >
> No. That is a nice section on how to use the maximum amount of paper to
> write C whilst obscuring the structure in the most systematic way I have
> ever seen.
> Fortunately our intrepid learner of C has been writing a lot of perl
> and, hopefully, uses perl style layout conventions. The fact that this
> is very similar indeed to K&R will make that both that book and his code
> more readable than all that GNU coding style madness. Oh and purlease
> resist the temptation to go all Hungarian as well, there are enough
> warts in this world without gratuitously adding to them.
> K&R formatting good, anything else bad (and literally a waste of space).

"First off, I'd suggest printing out a copy of the GNU coding standards,
and NOT read it.  Burn them, it's a great symbolic gesture."

A certain Mr Torvalds iirc

But then I waste space because space is cheap.

Nic Gibson
Director, Corbas Consulting
Editorial and Technical Consultancy

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