Most Perl 6 will look like Perl 5

Jonathan Rockway jon at
Fri Jan 25 12:55:27 GMT 2008

Peter Corlett <abuse at> writes:

> On Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 12:30:19PM +0000, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
> [...]
>> You are presuming that Perl6 is version 6 of that thing that Perl5 is
>> version 5 of. It isn't. (Though I will admit given the name it's not an
>> unreasonable first impression).
> My biggest question about Perl6 is not about this or that language feature
> or syntax, why it is *called* Perl6?

Because Perl is Larry's project, and 6 is the next available version

Jonathan Rockway

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