LPW::Call for Proposals

Mark Keating mdk at shadowcatsystems.co.uk
Sat Sep 20 11:03:10 BST 2008

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye,

My Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Daves of Olde Londinium Towne.

Once more it is my pleasure, nay even my delight, to call to ye for 
lectures, presentations, discussions or even trivia and hyperbole upon 
the language known to thee as Perl[e] and the subject of Perl[e] 10 (ten 
or tenth, thine owne choice).

So, good people, attend thineself with hasteless persipacity to the 
matter of submissions of proposals, good and proper, being of length 
already described.

The closing date of the tenth day of October in the year of our Lord two 
thousand and eight, looms forever closer, and the black waters of 
despair to late entrants denied draws richer.

I thank ye for thy attentive soul.


Mark Keating BA (Hons)              |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
Managing Director                   |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director/Secretary                  |  Enlightened Perl Organisation
http://www.shadowcat.co.uk          |  http://www.enlightenedperl.org
http://linkedin.com/in/markkeating  | 'Sufficiently Advanced Technology'

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