Jobs in London

marcos rebelo oleber at
Thu Mar 3 21:13:05 GMT 2011

I'm sorry if I insult someone. Please s/head-hunter/recruitment
agents/ig my previous post.

I prefer to have a Long Term Contract, then a n months contract for
security since I have a family to feed, but the question maintains.

Since the offer of a Long Term Contract seem too easy, I was trying to
 - in which situation may a Organization fire a person that has a Long
Term Contract?
 - How much do a Organization pays as Indemnization in case of firing?
 - How much time do they have to give to the worker?
 - If the worker decides to leave, how much time as he to give to the

Best Regards
Marcos Rebelo

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 21:24, Denny <2011 at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 21:10 +0100, marcos rebelo wrote:
>> I need an extra information.
>> Every head-hunter from London proposed me long term contracts, in the
>> rest of Europe they propose a most 1 year contracts.
>> What is different in London, that takes the head-hunter to propose
>> long term contracts?
> (a) They're not head-hunters, they're recruitment agents.  Head-hunters
> are very very subtle, recruitment agents are not.  Head-hunters will not
> approach you by phone or email, they'll meet you in person and get to
> know you.  Recruitment agents wish that they were head-hunters in much
> the same way that 8 year old boys wish that they were James Bond or
> Spiderman.
> (b) Most contracts I've seen offered in London and the UK are 3 months
> initially, with potential for extension (although they can last for
> years if you and the company are both happy).  If you're being offered
> something longer-term than that initially, it's usually a permanent
> role, which has (usually) more benefits such as holiday and sick pay,
> and a lower daily rate for that reason.
> Regards,
> Denny

Marcos Rebelo
Milan Perl Mongers leader
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