One off job helping with Linux partition

Guinevere Nell guinevere.nell at
Thu Jan 9 20:13:25 GMT 2014

Thanks James! You deserve a pint!

I do not have a cd drive. I installed from a USB, it allowed me to
partition and then gave me the error during install. Then, after I tried
again using net install, and got same error, it suddenly would not let me
boot into windows or Linux, it just goes to the bios boot screen. Using
a bootable windows 8 I can get to troubleshooting options, but I am very
nervous about losing critical files, so I have not tried to reinstall
windows - my backed up data is giving me permissions errors when I try to
access from another computer... I took the backup using Macrium software.

There are now a few partitions - windows plus 3 Linux partitions I created.
I believe the backup has all the files tho I have not been able to confirm,
given the permissions errors. Hopefully I have answered all your questions
- thanks so much!!

On Thursday, January 9, 2014, James Laver wrote:

> On 9 Jan 2014, at 19:34, Guinevere Nell <guinevere.nell at<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> Hi,
> I’m having a little bit of difficulty following here.
> > I am a latent perl programmer (was in the day, YAPC 19100, etc) -
> > it's been a few, um 5 or 6, years since i have coded regularly - and I've
> > just tried installing Ubuntu on my windows 8 machine with no success -
> had
> > no cd drive and it complained and then won't let me boot in -
> Are you saying that you do not have a CD drive? How did you try and
> install umbongo without one - usb key? Or are you instead saying that you
> booted into umbongo, it told you you didn’t have a CD drive then kicked you
> out and now you can’t get back in to either OS?
> If you’ve got a backup, how did you take it? Assuming everything you
> require is in that backup, I think you should be able to sort this out
> yourself without too much hassle. So the questions:
> - How many partitions are currently on that disk?
> - Are any of them bootable at all?
> - How did you attempt the installation? USB key?
> - Which image did you download and how did you write that to whatever
> installation medium?
> - Do you have a CD drive?
> - Does the backup have all of the files you need?
> James


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