Deploying perl code

Alex Balhatchet kaoru at
Fri Jul 25 09:16:23 BST 2014


We're in a similar boat to Leo for our use of Puppet - used to manage stuff
in /etc/ and the general Debian packages we have installed - but mostly we
build our own. We have an /opt/lokku/pkgs which contains our own Perl,
Apache, Percona DB, node.js, etc. We manage /opt/lokku/bin with swpkg - old
school technology but it works ;-)

For distributing code we just push out tarballs, untar them, flip a symlink
and restart services. It's shell scripts with the distribute being based on
rdist. We build the tarball with the 'git-archive' command.

And to throw some even more ancient tech in there we use wigwam framework
for managing roles (environment variables and service lists per role) and
services (stop, start, restart, etc.)

I'm not proud of it, but we launch multiple times a day so clearly it works.

- Alex

On 25 July 2014 08:40, mascip <mascip at> wrote:

> I've loved using Ansible on a personal project recently. Almost zero set up
> and learning.
> Compared to bash scripts, I love the reuse with Roles, the fact that many
> tasks and roles exist (Ansible Galaxy is Ansible's CPAN), and the
> idempotence: you can run a playbook as many times as you like, it should
> have just the same effect as running it once (true for most Ansible
> things).
> -- Pierre Masci
> On 25 July 2014 07:52, Ben Tisdall <ben at> wrote:
> > >> On 24 July 2014 22:31, Paul Makepeace <paulm at> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> capistrano is a (the?) winner for sure.
> > >>
> >
> > I've used Capistrano a bit - it's ok but too much magic for my liking
> > (and in general I'm a big fan of the Ruby ecosystem). Fabric is a more
> > sensible alternative IMO (you might find
> >
> > useful).
> >
> > However, I would urge you to spend a day each investigating Ansible &
> > SaltStack, the latter in salt-ssh mode if you want to make a direct
> > comparison. Both of the aforementioned tools do ad-hoc remote
> > execution, task orchestration and configuration management.
> >
> > FWIW I spent 3 days last week evaluating orchestration tools for $WORK
> > last week, looking at dsh, Capistrano, Fabric, MCollective (covered
> > that in one sentence - it's way heavy), Ansible & SaltStack. I liked
> > both Ansible & SaltStack but concluded that the former was the best
> > for the project in question because it was easier to get started with
> > and it came with a lot of modules that were useful to us out of the
> > box.
> >
> > HTH.
> >
> > -Ben
> >

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